DARG sponsored sessions at the RGS Annual Conference 2016

The RGS-IBG 2016 Annual International Conference is due to take place on Tuesday 30 August to Friday 2 September 2016 at the Royal Geographical Society in London. The conference will be chaired by Professor Peter Jackson (University of Sheffield)

The following calls for papers for DARG sponsored sessions are now live. Please see below for details and closing dates.

1. The Blue Growth Narrative and the Global South
– Celine Germond-Duret (Liverpool John Moores University,UK)
Abstract and further information
Deadline: 10-Feb-2016

2. Relational Approaches to Contemporary Indigenous Issues
– Cadey Korson (University of Oulu,Finland)
Abstract and further information
Deadline: 12-Feb-2016

3. Cities, Housing and Infrastructure: the politics of urban change

– Charlotte Lemanski (University of Cambridge, UK)
– Paula Meth (The University of Sheffield, UK)
Abstract and further information
Deadline: 15-Feb-2016

4. Emergent urban spaces: A planetary perspective
– Paola Alfaro d’Alençon (Technical University Berlin, Germany)
– Ana Claudia Cardoso (Federal University of Para, Brazil)
– Philipp Horn (University of Manchester, UK)
Abstract and further information
Deadline: 12-Feb-2016

5. Economies of Care in the Postcolony
– Shari Daya, Department of Environmental & Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town
– Beth Oppenheim-Chan, Department of Environmental & Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town
Abstract and further information
Deadline: 15-Jan-2016

6. Operations of capital: Studying the nexus of land, housing, and finance across the North-South divide
– Desiree Fields (University of Sheffield, UK)
– Stefan Ouma (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Abstract and further information
Deadline: 01-Feb-2016


DARG Event- Careers in Academia- June 2015

On the 5th June 2015 the annual postgraduate DARG careers workshop took place at the University of Manchester with a focus on pursuing a career in academia. It was a really fantastic and rewarding day with many inspirational and incredibly knowledgeable speakers. Here is what some of the attendees had to say about the event:

“I think one of the best things about the day was that you were able to ‘historically’ track the way the speakers were able to shape their own career direction, and the way they overcame the challenges facing anybody considering an academic job post PhD. The informal nature of the event also allowed for a deeper discussion about work-life balances and how to juggle the different types of roles you have to fulfil to progress in academia.”

“I think the workshop was really good. It got me thinking about the future… the openness of the speakers about the realities, struggles and success of the PhD process and life after was really good to hear. I think more workshops like these need to be organised.”

“I think it was an interesting workshop specially in the context that I got a first hand insight to the struggles/possibilities/flexibilities that an early career researcher can face and how to cope with them. First hand accounts are always immensely useful. Not many conferences talks about such personal journeys.”

We at DARG are really looking forward to organising next years event so please stay tuned if you would be interested in attending.

DARG Undergraduate Development Dissertation Workshop- March 21st 2015

The upcoming DARG Undergraduate Development Dissertation Workshop will be held on Saturday, March 21st 2015, at UCL London.
This one-day workshop is aimed at undergraduate students considering doing their final year dissertation on a topic related to Development Geography while being based abroad or in the UK. It’s a great chance for students to get information and advice on planning and designing their projects, choosing methods and going on fieldwork.
It is £10 for members, £12 to join DARG & attend and includes lunch. Tickets can be bought HERE
A taster of what past workshops have covered can be found HERE

DARG ANNUAL POSTGRADUATE WORKSHOP 2014 — Book now! Only 10 places left —



— Book now! Only 10 places left —

Careers in the non-governmental organisation (NGO) sector.

Friday 9 May 2014, at the Education Centre, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).

Arrival from 9.30 for a 10.00 start, workshop ends at 17.15.

The workshop will bring together speakers from some of the UK’s most influential universities and from the largest international NGOs in the world, creating a unique opportunity for postgraduate students to better consider and plan their future careers.


Places cost £14 and must be booked and paid through the following link https://dargworkshop.eventbrite.co.uk

Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Lunch and tea/coffee are included in the workshop fee.

The workshop will provide postgraduate students with much needed guidance and information on opportunities and routes into the NGO sector. The sessions cover how to bridge academic work and NGO work; an overview of available positions; possible routes in; and CVs and cover letters. There’ll be a range of speakers, along with practical advice and lively discussions.

Speakers include:

· Madhu Malhotra, Director, Gender, Identity and Sexuality, Amnesty International

· Deborah Hardoon, Senior Researcher, Oxfam GB

· Benedict Dempsey, Senior Humanitarian Affairs Adviser, Save the Children,UK

· Professor Caroline Moser, University of Manchester

· Dr. Deborah Sporton, University of Sheffield

· Janet Reilly, Human Resources, Development Initiatives

· Shaun Harris, Deputy Director, LSE Careers

· Recently Graduated PhD students: Dr. Gemma McKenna (Parliamentary Researcher), Dr. Katy Schofield (Synchronicity Earth), Dr. Susannah Fischer (Researcher Climate Change Group, IIED).

The event will be open to all postgraduate DARG members, whether on taught courses or undertaking research. If you are not a DARG member you can join at the event. Annual student subscription is £2. Membership is free to RGS-IBG postgraduate fellows.

For further information please contact the DARG Postgraduate Representatives

Jessica Hope Jessica.Hope-2@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk

Marcia Vera marcia.vera@sheffield.ac.uk

Regina Hansda rh478@cam.ac.uk

RGS-IBG medals and award nominations

RGS-IBG medals and awards recognise excellence in geographical research and fieldwork, teaching and public engagement.  Any Fellow or member of the Society may make a nomination, and Research Groups are welcome to support nominations. The deadline for nomination is the end of February. The list of medals and awards is as follows:
·      Gold Medal – Founder’s and Patron’s Medals for the encouragement and promotion of geographical science and discovery. The two Gold medals are both approved by Her Majesty The Queen.
·      Victoria Medal for conspicuous merit in research in Geography Busk Medal for conservation research or for fieldwork abroad in Geography or in a geographical aspect of an allied science
·      Cherry Kearton Medal and Award for a traveller concerned with the study or practice of natural history, with a preference for those with an interest in nature photography, art or cinematography
·      Murchison Award for publications judged to contribute most to geographical science in preceding recent years
·      Back Award for applied or scientific geographical studies which make an outstanding contribution to the development of national or international public policy
·      Cuthbert Peek Award for those advancing geographical knowledge of human impact on the environment through the application of contemporary methods, including those of earth observation and mapping
·      Gill Memorial Award for the encouragement of geographical research in early career researchers* who have shown great potential (*defined as within 10 years of completing their PhD)
·      Ordnance Survey Awards in recognition of excellence in Geography education at the secondary level Taylor and Francis Award for excellence in the promotion and practice of teaching and learning in Higher Education
·      Ness Award for travellers, particularly those who have successfully popularised Geography and the wider understanding of our world and its environments
·      Fordham Award for distinguished contributions to the field of cartobibliography (this is not awarded every year)
·      Geographical Award for a company or individual that had provided outstanding (non-commercial) support for individuals or groups learning through scientific expeditions; or for an expedition(s) that has had a significant impact in inspiring and raising the understanding of geographical issues among schools or the public
·      Honorary Membership for outstanding services and contributions to a geographical dimension of public life Honorary Fellowship for service to the cause of Geography or to the work of the Society
Nominations should consist of a completed nomination form with a statement of 200-300 words outlining why the candidate should receive the award, a CV of the candidate and written support of approximately 200-300 words from two additional Fellows or members of the Society (ideally from different institutions/departments). Membership numbers of the proposer and supporters should be included in all correspondence. Full details and nomination forms can be found at:http://www.rgs.org/AboutUs/Medals+and+awards/Medals+and+awards.htm