News and events

Creative Approaches to Development Geographies: Online, 19 February 2025, 2.00pm-3.30pm

This free event invites development geographers to engage with the Chair’s theme of the RGS Annual Conference 2025, held at the University of Birmingham. The conference Chair is Professor Patricia Noxolo and the theme is ‘geographies of creativity/creative geographies’.

This event has been organised in response to Noxolo’s invitation and welcomes development geographers to join and creatively explore the following questions:

  • What is geography as a discipline, and what role do creative approaches play within development geographies as a sub-discipline?
  • Is development geography an inherently creative discipline? Is our role or expectation to do creative things and what are those?
  • What is the creative vision for geography broadly conceived and development geographies narrowly defined?

This event will be a roundtable discussion. We are joined by three expert speakers to start of discussion: Amanda Rogers, Jaskiran Kaur Chohan, and Katy Jenkins. They will share their approaches to creativity in development geographies before we open up discussion.

The event will be accompanied by a graphic recorder, who will produce three illustrations based on our main questions, these can then serve as further provocation at a follow-up event at RGS AC2025, for example. These will be uploaded to our website, accompanied by a blogpost.

About the speakers

Amanda Rogers is an Associate Professor in Human Geography and the Geohumanities at Swansea University UK. She researches geographies of the performing arts, and for the last decade has been doing research in South East Asia, particularly Cambodia.

She is currently writing a book on the post-conflict geopolitics of dance and nationality in the Kingdom, provisionally entitled Choreographing Cambodia: geopolitics, nationality and dance in the post-conflict Kingdom of Wonder.

However, she has also been conducting research for the last five years with Cambodian Living Arts on how the arts can be used to promote civic participation, particularly among young people who may not have much experience of arts. This has resulted in three reports, the last of which (written with Say Tola) was entitled The Seven Colours Festival: Young people and civic participation in the arts.

Jaskiran Kaur Chohan is a Lecturer in Human Geography at the School of Geographical Sciences. Her research explores agroecology, the construction of alternative socio-ecologies and peace through food, particularly in conflict zones in Latin America. She uses an interdisciplinary, co-produced approach and intersectional lens to unpack challenges around transforming food, building agrobiodiversity, and sustainable peace.

Prof Katy Jenkins is a feminist development geographer and Co-Director of Northumbria University’s Centre for Global Development. Her research employs a range of creative and participatory methods to understand women’s resistance in contexts of extractivism.

Katy has used visual methods including photovoice, mapping, and film to co-produce impactful research with grassroots women’s organisations.

Booking information

Attending online

  • This event will be held on Zoom and joining instructions will be included in your confirmation email.

If you have any questions or require assistance with your booking, please email

Decolonising Development Geographies: 2-day Workshop at the RGS in London, 17 & 18 June 2024


The Development Geographies Research Group of the RGS-IBG (DevGRG) are pleased to invite postgraduate researchers and academics of all career stages to a two-day workshop on ‘Decolonising Development Geographies’. The workshop will take place on 17 and 18 June in London, at the Royal Geographic Society in South Kensington. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, covered by a small, income-staggered fee: £12 waged and £6 unwaged/low-income.

The workshop will also be hosting the UK book launch of ‘The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions’, edited by Miriam Lang, Mary Ann Manahan and Breno Bringel, and published by Pluto Press in March 2024. Miriam Lang will be joining us in person on the day, with discounted copies of the book available for purchase. The book launch will be open to an online audience.

This event will be in person only.

Decolonisation/decoloniality has emerged as a key agenda for critically researching and teaching geography (Craggs, 2019; Laing, 2021; Noxolo, 2017; Radcliffe, 2017) and development (Aloudat and Khan, 2022; Patel and Shehabi, 2022; Van Houweling, 2021), respectively. There is a sense, however, that more thorough engagement with what ‘decolonising’ means for the field of development geography would be useful to bridge the gap between the two fields of literature. The workshop objectives are to:

  1. Build a strategy for moving forward and create a vision for the discipline of development geography, centred on decolonising research and teaching within the UK Higher Education sector and beyond. This strategy can involve some practical guidance.
  2. Bring together development geographies students and researchers interested in putting decolonial values and principles into practice

We will start the workshop with a keynote by Professor Nikita Sud, who will participate in the discussions of the day. The second day’s keynote will be delivered by Professor Miriam Lang. We are furthermore pleased to host sessions with Professors Ilan Kapoor and Angelo Miramonti, and with members and postgraduate researchers affiliated with DevGRG and the Latin American Geographies RGS Research Group (LAG-UK). 

Programme of Events

The schedule with confirmed speakers looks as follows, though we retain the option to make some minor changes ahead of the event:

Monday, 17 June 2024

9.30 – 10.00am  Coffees and Registration  
10.00 – 11.00am  Recolonising the South? Energy transition and the majority world   Keynote and Q&A with Professor Nikita Sud, Professor of the Politics of Development, University of Oxford.  
11.15am – 12.30pm  Getting to know each other: what does decolonising development geographies mean to participants?  
12.30 – 1.30pm  Lunch break (lunch provided)  
1.30 – 3.00pm  Latin American Approaches to Decolonising Development Geographies – in collaboration with Latin American Geographies – UK (LAG-UK)  
3.00 – 3.30pm  Coffee break (refreshments provided)  
3.30 – 5.00pm  Use and Misuse of the Decolonisation Agenda – with Professor Ilan Kapoor, Professor at York University, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change  

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

9.30 – 9.45amCoffees and Welcome  
9.45 – 10.45amKeynote and Q&A with Professor Miriam Lang, Associate Professor in Environment and Sustainability, Simon Bolivar Andean University, Quito Title TBC  
11.00am – 12.30pm  Using Theatre for Participatory Action Research in communities affected by socio-environmental conflict – with Professor Angelo Miramonti, Professor of Community Theatre at the Fine Arts University in Cali, Colombia and Lecturer of Testimonial Theatre at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany.  
12.30 – 1.30pm  Lunch break (lunch provided) with Book Launch of The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism: Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions with Miriam Lang (ed.) – hybrid (book launch open to public online)  
1.30 – 3.00pm  Reimagining methodologies – led by postgraduate researchers of DevGRG and LAG-UK  
3.00 – 3.30pm  Coffee break (refreshments provided)    
3.30 – 5.00pm  Reflection and Moving Forward  

Outcomes of the Workshop 

DevGRG works in partnership with the International Development Planning Review (IDPR). We therefore have the opportunity to publish an article based on the outcomes and conversations of the workshop. For those who are interested in becoming co-authors, DevGRG will organise an online writing retreat in the two months following the workshop. Your contribution could include mini case studies of personal experiences and stories that are useful for our strategy moving forward.

How to Participate

To apply, please send a short email to by our updated deadline: 30 April 2024.

Please include:

  • a short, 50-word biography and institutional affiliation if applicable;
  • a brief, 100-word statement of why you would like to participate, and how you envisage utilising the knowledge created in this workshop going forward. 

We look forward to seeing you there.


Aloudat, T., Khan, T., 2022. Decolonising humanitarianism or humanitarian aid? PLOS Global Public Health 2, e0000179.

Craggs, R., 2019. Decolonising The Geographical Tradition. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 44, 444–446.

Laing, A.F., 2021. Decolonising pedagogies in undergraduate geography: student perspectives on a Decolonial Movements module. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 45, 1–19.

Noxolo, P., 2017. Introduction: Decolonising geographical knowledge in a colonised and re-colonising postcolonial world. Area 49, 317–319.

Patel, K., Shehabi, A., 2022. The value of development researchers: structural racism, universities and UK Overseas Development Assistance (ODA). International Development Planning Review 44, 131–145.

Radcliffe, S.A., 2017. Decolonising geographical knowledges. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 42, 329–333.

Van Houweling, E., 2021. Decolonising development practice pedagogy: ways forward and persistent challenges in the synchronous online classroom. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning 13, 136–149.