DevGRG has a wide range of publications that may be useful to students, researchers and practitioners, from practical guides to research monographs.
We also use this page to share our annual newsletter:
Development Geographies Research Group Newsletter 2020
DARG Newsletter August 2019
Winner of our Photography Competition:
Locating the Human in the Cloud
by AlexanderTaylor, University of Cambridge
“Doing Development/Global South Dissertations: A Guide For Undergraduates” (DARG, 2008)
This booklet, written by Vandana Desai, Becky Elmhurst, Charlotte Lemanski, Emma Mawdsley, Paula Meth, Jon Oldfield, Ben Page, Catherine Souch, Glyn Williams and Katie Willis, is now available as a free download here.
DARG Regional Development Series
The DARG Regional Development Series is made up of six texts ideal for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate use. The editors and many of the contributors are DARG members and some of the royalties go to DARG. In addition, Pearson contribute a number of free copies to go to institutions in ‘Developing Areas’.
The first book in the series “Development as Theory and Practice” edited by David Simon and Anders Närman was published in 1999. The first two regional texts: ‘Challenges and Change in Middle America: Perspectives on Development in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean’ edited by Cathy McIlwaine and Katie Willis; and “South Asia in a Globalising World” edited Bob Bradnock and Glyn Williams, appeared early in 2002. ‘Eastern Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Post Socialist States” edited by Michael Bradshaw and Alison Stenning, and “Eastern and Southern Africa: Development Challenges in a Volatile Region” edited by Deborah Potts and Tanya Bowyer-Bower were published in 2003. The final volume “West African Worlds’ edited by Reg Cline-Cole and Elsbeth Robson was published in 2004.
Postgraduate Fieldwork In Developing Areas (DARG Monograph No.9)
This publication is part of the DARG Monograph series.
It was edited by Elsbeth Robson & Katie Willis and the second edition was published in 1997.
Click here to download the guide as a PDF.
DARG Research Monographs
E.E. Simpson (ed) (1980) The rural-agricultural sector. Monograph no. 1
M.B. Gleave (ed) (1981) Societies in change: studies of capitalist penetration. Monograph no. 2.
David Drakakis-Smith and Stephen Wyn Williams (eds) (1983) Internal Colonialism: Essays around a theme. Monograph no. 3.
C.J. Dixon (ed) (1987) Rural-urban interaction in the third world. Monograph no. 4.
Piers Blaikie and Tim Unwin (eds) (1988) Environmental crises in developing countries. Monograph no. 5.
D. Lockhart and D. Drakakis-Smith (eds) (1990) Environmental and economic issues in small island development. Monograph no. 6|
R.B. Potter and P.T.H. Unwin (eds) (1992) Teaching the Geography of Developing Areas. Monograph no. 7.
Elsbeth Robson and Katie Willis (eds) (1994) Postgraduate fieldwork in developing areas Monograph No Monograph no 8.
Elsbeth Robson and Katie Willis (eds) (1997) Postgraduate fieldwork in developing areas 2nd ed Monograph No. 9. Available online
First Book Series (Longman)
David Preston (ed) (1987) Latin American Development; Geographical perspectives (2nd edn 1996).
Denis Dwyer (ed) (1990) South East Asian Development; Geographical perspectives.
M B Gleave (ed) (1992) Tropical African Development; geographical perspectives.
DARG Atlas
P.T.H. Unwin (ed.) (1994) Atlas of World Development. Wiley, Chichester.
Second Book Series
(Longman/Addison Wesley Longman/Pearson (Harlow, Essex) – Series Editor: David Simon
D. Simon and A. Närman (eds) (1999) Development as Theory and Practice; current perspectives on development and development co-operation
C. McIlwaine and K. Willis (eds) (2001) Challenges and Change in Middle America; perspectives on development in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
R. Bradnock and G. Williams eds (2002) South Asia in a Globalising World; a reconstructed regional geography.
D. Potts and T. Bowyer-Bower (eds) (2003) Southern and East Africa: development challenges in a volatile region.
M. Bradshaw and A. Stenning (eds) (2004) East and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union; the post-socialist states.
R. Cline-Cole and E. Robson (eds) (2005) West African Worlds: Paths through socio-economic change, livelihoods and development.
Single Titles
D. Simon (ed) (1990) ‘Third World Regional Development: a Reappraisal.‘ xix + 268 pp. Paul Chapman, London.
Dixon, C.J. and Heffernan, M. (eds) (1991) Colonialism and Development in the Contemporary World, Mansell, London.
Drakakis-Smith, D. (ed.) (1992) Urban and Regional Change in Southern Africa. Routledge, London.
J. Dahl, D. Drakakis-Smith and A. Närman (eds) (1993) Land, Food and Basic Needs in Developing Countries, pp. 213-230. Gothenburg: Dept. of Human and Economic Geography, University of Gothenburg, Research Publications.
D. Simon, W. van Spengen, C. Dixon and A. Närman (eds) (1995) Structurally Adjusted Africa; poverty, debt and basic needs. xx + 245pp. Pluto Press, London.
A.Smith, A. Stenning and K. Willis (eds) Social Justice and Neoliberalism: Global Perspectives, Zed Books, London.
V. Desai, B. Elmhirst, C. Lemanski, E. Mawdsley, P. Meth, J. Oldfield, B. Page, C. Souch, G. Williams and K. Willis (2008) Doing Development/ Global South Dissertations: A Guide for Undergraduates, DARG. Available at:
Special issue of journal
J. Kleinpenning and A. Gilbert (eds) (1986) Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 77(1), special issue on regional inequality and migration in the Third World.
Special issue on ‘Participation in development’ co-edited by Glyn Williams and Cathy McIlwaine. Progress in Development Studies (2003), Vol. 3, Issue 2.
Individual Papers within this special issue:
G. Williams and C. McIlwaine (2003) ‘Entanglements of participation: theory and practice of attacking poverty’, Progress in Development Studies, 3 (2), pp. 93-97.
M. Parnwell (2003) ‘Consulting the poor in Thailand: Enlightenment or delusion’, Progress in Development Studies, 3 (2), pp. 99-112.
C. McIlwaine & C. Moser (2003) ‘Poverty, violence and livelihood security in Colombia and Guatemala’, Progress in Development Studies, 3 (2), pp. 113-130.
G. Porter (2003) ‘NGOs and poverty reduction in a globalizing world: perspectives from Ghana’, Progress in Development Studies, 3 (2), pp. 131-145.
S. Bradshaw and B. Linneker (2003) ‘Civil society responses to poverty reduction strategies in Nicaragua’, Progress in Development Studies, 3 (2), pp147-158.
G. Williams, M. Srivastava, S. Corbridge and R. Verón (2003) ‘Enhancing pro-poor governance in Eastern India: participation, politics and action research’, Progress in Development Studies, 3 (2), pp 159-178.