Postgraduate Events

2020 Doing Fieldwork Abroad: how to stay happy and do great research


Fieldwork is central to the academic foundation and identity of geographers. This means that many postgraduate students are required to spend extended durations of time in unfamiliar cultural contexts away from direct contact with their peers and supervisors. This workshop is aimed at addressing the mental health and safety issues that arise from doing extended periods of fieldwork abroad. It will primarily focus on discussing (through examples of best practice and postdoctoral testimonies) how postgraduate students can face the trials and tribulations of doing international fieldwork. We will discuss how to manage stress and anxiety related to fieldwork and what to do when things do not go according to plan whilst also highlighting some key channels of support available to PGRs. The workshop also aims to serve as peer learning and support event where PGRs about to start fieldwork can meet and share experiences with similar students.

2019 Postgraduate Careers Event: careers from the critical thinking of development geography

A one-day event held at the RGS in March 2019 to help students find out about careers that utilise the knowledge and critical thinking covered in Development Geography to work for social & environmental justice and political change. During this sold-out event, we heard from those working in NGOs, campaign organisations, government and media.

Watch the video made during this event – ‘Why Geography?’