Joint DARG and RGRG day seminar, for doctoral candidates and recent postdoctoral researchers on Agriculture and Aquaculture in the Rural South: Pressures, Opportunities and Constraints. 20th March, 2014, Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester


This seminar is about the place and importance of agriculture and aquaculture in the developing south.  Comments at the AGMs of DARG and RGRG at this year’s RGS-IBG Annual Conference indicated postgraduate students are looking for opportunities to present their work and develop a network with others in this field.  This seminar is intended to create space for postgraduate research students and early years researchers to present their work and network.

In many so-called developing countries, particularly in Asia, rural livelihoods are changing rapidly and agriculture is often only one part of a suite of activities; in parallel the scale of farm–based aquaculture is increasingly rapidly and projected to rise sharply in sub-Saharan Africa. However, many households are still highly dependent on the use of natural resources and much potential exists for the development of both agricultural and aquaculture.  In Africa in particular, the attainment of many millennium development goals is problematic, while population growth and climate change are all predicted to impact negatively.  This event is an opportunity to present work, work in progress, that addresses this field.

Key note speakers will be Prof Dave Little, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, an expert in rural aquaculture, and an agriculturalist (name to be confirmed).


I hope many of you will wish to make a 15 minute presentation, please submit your abstract of 250 words to me, Charles Howie, by 15/1/14.  I will be in touch with you by the end of January. Please register your intention to attend with Karen Rial-Lover  by 1st March 2014.  Karen will supply details of how to reach the University.  The nearest train station is Kemble, if several people all arrive at the same time, around 10am we will try and provide transport to Cirencester.  Alternatively, there is a regular and frequent National Express coaches service from Victoria coach station, via Heathrow central bus station.


We expect the day to cost £12, inclusive of buffet lunch, teas and coffees. This will be confirmed at the end of January. Looking forward to hearing from lots of you, Charles Howie, Visiting Fellow, RAU. Adviser Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University, Vietnam.