Postgraduate Careers Event, March 15th 2019
Developing Areas Research group (DARG) Call for Sponsored Sessions, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London
DARG invites proposals for sponsored sessions at the upcoming 2019 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, to be held in Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th August. This year we will be launching a paper prize, offered for the best paper presented during a DARG sponsored panel.
The 2019 Conference Chair is Professor Hester Parr (University of Glasgow, UK) and the conference theme is Geographies of trouble / Geographies of hope. We invite proposals for sessions that engage with the conference themes and extend contemporary debates within Development Geography. These can be pitched as paper panels, roundtables and sessions that include Development practitioners.
Please contact DARG Chair Dr Jessica Hope with any questions about proposal for a sponsored session ( The deadline for proposals is Friday 21st December 2018. These should include:
1. Title of session
2. Name of co-sponsoring groups (if applicable)
3. Name, affiliation, and contact details for session convenors
4. Session abstract (max 300 words, excl. references)
5. Indication of any non-standard arrangements.
We will notify you about your proposal by January 4th. The deadline for full session details to be sent by conveners to DARG (including sequence of papers, paper titles, abstracts and full author details) is 11th February 2019.
For more information on DARG see: For more information on the conference see:
Full call for sessions can be found here: