Doing Development Dissertations: Undergraduate Dissertation Workshop

Doing Development Dissertations: Undergraduate Dissertation Workshop

Friday 21st February 2014 9:30-16:30 

University of Manchester, University Place 2.220, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

Planning to write your dissertation on a topic related to development geography?  This one day workshop is aimed at second year Geography undergraduate students considering doing their final year dissertation on a topic related to Development Geography whether abroad or in the UK. We will cover a range of practical and intellectual issues, such as choosing your topic, planning your fieldwork, the ethics of doing research on development, and how to finance your research projects.  In the afternoon we will have a range of interactive and participatory sessions on research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, questionnaires and using texts and images.


There is a cost of £14 to cover lunch, refreshments and a booklet.

Limited number of free places

If you feel your financial circumstances will prevent you from attending this workshop, we have a limited number of free places available.  To be considered for a free place, please send a one paragraph statement to the workshop organiser (see below) and ask your Personal Tutor/ Academic Advisor to back this up with a reference.  Your reference and the statement need to explain how you will benefit from participating and make a case for financial support.

The deadline for receipt of statements and references is 15th January 2014.

To register, please to make the payment to secure your place on this eventbrite page.  Please also fill in this workshop application form (opens word document) and send it to the workshop organiser, Tanja Bastia, IDPM, University of Manchester,