New MSc Programme in Environment, Politics and Development to begin September 2014.
Applications now being accepted!
This programme takes a critical political ecology frame and examines environmental policy and its intersections with development from a social justice angle. It is taught and convened by leading political ecologists and offers a critical analysis of key issues including water, climate, fisheries, agricultural production, biodiversity, conflicts and energy supply.
The masters asks important questions including:
• Can we govern The Commons?
• How does the environment Intersect with global poverty, wealth and questions of inequality?
• Can Carbon trading offer a solution to managing climate change?
• How does access to water intersect with dynamics of wealth and poverty?
• Is wildlife conservation implicated in social injustices?
• What role can and do environmental movements play in development?
• Is there a link between environmental change and violent conflict?
The MSc programme’s emphasis on transferable analytical skills has been of great benefit to the many graduates who have returned to, or taken up, professional careers in development in international organisations, government agencies and non-government organisations. Students also benefit from the wide range of courses on offer, both within the Department and across the School, allowing them to create individualised interdisciplinary programmes.
The MSc Environment, Politics and Development has four components: two compulsory courses; one full-course option or two half-course options; and a dissertation of 10,000 words. Please see Postgraduate Courses for details on core and optional courses taught within the Department:
For further information please contact: Professor Rosaleen Duffy,