David W. Smith Memorial Essay Prize

The Developing Areas Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) runs an annual essay competition in memory of David W. Smith. Our prize is £100 cheque from Routledge Publishers.


A2 level students in England and Wales and Advanced Higher students in Scotland are invited to write an essay of up to 1,500 words on the following title:

With reference to one city in the Global South and one key theme (gender, health or sexuality) answer the following question: 

To what extent (& in what ways) does the city ensure the safety of its citizens?


  • Essays should be word processed, 1.5 spaced.
  • The word count does not include the reference list.


Essays must be received by Friday 16 March 2018. Please include your name, school and contact details with your essay. Your teacher must confirm that the essay is your own work.


If you would like to acknowledge receipt of your essay please indicate this in your submission email.


Submit an electronic copy to the email address below:

Dr Jessica Hope jessicachloehope@gmail.com